The above shot of a wildfire in southern Alberta, Canada bagged Sara Lindström the title of Environmental Photographer of the Year 2016 – now it’s your chance to vie for this year’s prizes.
The prestigious Environmental Photographer of the Year competition, organised by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), is now in its 10th year.
There are five categories to enter: Environmental Photographer of the Year; CIWEM Changing Climate Prize; Built Environment Prize; Mobile Phone Prize; and Young Environmental Photographer of the Year.
The three themes for this year’s entries are the urban environment; climate change, extremes and resilience; and people, nature and economy.
Winners will be chosen by a judging panel that so far includes Stephen Fry, Ben Fogle, Steve Backshall, Christine Lampard, Max McMurdo (who recently featured in Environment Journal), Ayishat Akanbi, Alys Fowler, Helen Glover, Levi Roots, and Oliver Heath. They will join renowned photographers Tim Parkin and Ashley Cooper.
Open to amateurs and professionals, the competition has attracted 60,000 entries since its launch.
The power of photography
Terry Fuller, CIWEM chief executive, described the competition as ‘one of the most powerful vehicles for conveying the intensity of humankind’s relationship with the natural world; highlighting the terrible impacts being wrought on our planet by its most dominant species’.
He added: ‘The competition also celebrates humanity’s innate ability to survive and innovate, lending hope to us all that we can overcome challenges to live sustainably. We look forward to what I am sure will be another fantastic round of entries.’
Each category winner will receive cash prizes of up to £3,000 as well as photography equipment.
Further information on the competition, which closes on September 8, can be found at